Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pee peeps

What is the sudden urge is to pee with the sun shining on your face and, ahem, where it doesn't usually shine?

In the past few weeks I have seen an alarming number of gentlemen peeing in very public places. On the side of the road, merely facing away from traffic. In the middle of a park, shielded only by some sparse shrubbery. As I was walking to the grocery store, immediately after yelling "Oh my God!" upon discovering one of these perpetrators peeing directly across the path in the park (perhaps seeing how far he could make it?), I started to think about this from a public health perspective. Naturally.

What would my anti-public urination PSA (public service announcement) say? Peeing in public areas outside is ...gross? Lame. Probably ineffective.

Public health usually tries to get people to do things that are good for them operating under the assumption that people care about their health. They don't. For instance, people are well aware that exercising and eating healthy foods are good for them, so knowledge is not the issue. Millions of federal dollars are spent on public health campaigns only to be dwarfed by the billions that Coca-Cola and McDonald's spend to lure you into spending your money and calories on their tasty products.

Keeping that in mind, I started to think about what I would say in an effective anti-public urination PSA. What do people care about? I fully recognize that this target audience is much different than myself, being (so far) entirely male and seemingly much older, among other characteristics... but I think most people care about a certain degree of modesty or have a certain degree of ego when it comes to different (certain) parts of their bodies. If you know what I'm saying.

So I've settled on, "Pee inside, where no peeps can peep!"

It's not spectacular, but I think it'll do the trick. ;) Spread the words, birds.

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