Friday, March 23, 2012

And the winners are...

So, I'd been waiting to comment on this whole Rush Limbaugh thing (find a timeline of events here in case you have missed out) both because I wanted to find a poignant article/show to take in and be able to site on the blog... and I had midterms. But believe you me, I was a little sponge for a lot of the media swirling around about this. To summarize, Rush called Sandra Fluke, who testified in federal hearings about mandatory insurance coverage of birth control under Obamacare, a slut and a prostitute for favoring said coverage. Anyway, there are two winners:

WBUR's On Point, "A Sexual Counter-Revolution?" wins for its wealth of information and different yet respectful points of view from people who actually know what they are talking about. It's a bit lengthy but a good debate, for sure. The best quote? "There are two certain things in life: death and sex."

Jon Stewart's show is the other winner because he made tears of laughter stream down my cheeks and he knows how to make people laugh about this divisive issue funny. And this is a more concise version if you don't feel like listening to the whole WBUR bit. But really, people get pretty heated about politics, and recently especially birth control, so it's good to remember to laugh.


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