Hello and welcome!
So drift is apparently a synonym for thought, on the Thesaurus feature of dictionary.com. One of the definitions that I also liked was an accumulation, such as that of snow or sand. I prefer to think of sand at the beach rather than snow, as we're just emerging from winter. Accumulations of thoughts on different topics was also kind of a neat idea since they could all build on each other, or conflict in interesting ways, forcing the overall idea to shift or change unexpectedly. Hmm. Drifts was also good since I won't always want to talk about electronic dating etiquette, but that is today's topic. Who knows what will come of this, and it certainly won't be updated daily, but it could be fun. It might be a good outlet instead of bombarding people with emails about the lack of female condoms in the world.
This one goes out to Hannah (and Rachel, the mischievous witness)...
So last night, still recovering from Cuatro de Mayo, there was quite the commotion. All happily perched on the couch, post-dinner and our almost daily trip to nearby Walgreen's (where you can
get a Pap Smear if you'd like) and pre-retiring to bed, a suitor began texting Hannah. We will maintain this man's anonymity and call him Frank. Frank began texting Hannah at roughly 10:30pm, only asking where she was. As the texting unfolded, there was some flirtation but NO invitation, blatant or implied, on Hannah's part. Frank lives nearby, and proceeded to invite himself over. At 11:25pm, Frank buzzed our very loud buzzer not once, but twice. Frank also called Hannah no once, but twice, in addition to several text messages demanding that she let him in and not pretend to be asleep. Frank remained outside on the sidewalk staring up at the windows (props to Rachel for creeping on the creeper... I wonder if he feels violated, now too) for at least ten minutes from the time he arrived. Throughout all of this, Hannah did not answer his calls, respond to his texts, nor was Frank allowed into our previously quiet home.
The story continues into today with several text message apologies. Hannah has not responded to any of them, thinking that she is better off not giving him any reason to continue contacting her. Unfortunately, Frank is a neighbor who lives very close and seeing him again is quite realistic.
Let's entirely forget that Frank was out drinking for Cinco de Mayo. Entirely forget that Frank and Hannah have been out for drinks one time ever.
Even if you don't care about the previous story, my (our) questions are:
1. What is the electronic etiquette here? Our generation is sort of responsible for establishing these guidelines since texting and cell phones have not existed for that long. Areas of gray will continue to exist, but it would be nice to get a general consensus here, at least among people I consider reasonable and intelligent.
The way I see it, there are two options for Hannah: Say nothing and continue the silence being one. The other being a very honest message calling him out for disrespectful behavior and politely but firmly telling him to stop contacting her.
2. Is he out of line? The impromptu attempted visit is of course, but what about the rest of his communication, yesterday and today? He may have thought he was being sweet and romantic, but he just looks like a stalker now.
3. Anyone have any similar stories they'd like to share?
Drift away!