Wednesday, March 27, 2013

j.a.m.'s jam debuts!

BU School of Public Health Craft Fair
March 28, 12pm - 2pm
72 E. Concord Street, Room L-109

Come by for some locally sourced, homemade jam. I'll be "spreading the love" with tasty samples!

Special thanks to Amanda for my awesome business cards and to all of my friends who let me peddle jam to them prior to having my very own craft fair booth. 


  1. Yippee Jack it looks amazing :) Congrats.

  2. Awesomeness!! I'd like to formally inquire about your international shipping policy?

    1. If shipping recipients want to incur the expense of shipping to Hanoi as well as any risk of jam seal bursting en route... I'm game to try it! :)
