Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mukluks, Brogans and Oxfords... or just Boots

Ahh shoes. I can't say I enjoy shopping for shoes or purses, which some people proclaim makes me less of a woman. There are just an overwhelming amount of colors and fabrics and styles and sizes, and my thoughts wander to excessive consumerism, and all the animals killed/water used/damage done to the environment to fill these sections of the store and for that matter the entire store. Buzzkill... so I end up not caring and leaving without purchasing anything when I try. But I do love my new boots. And I love them fully acknowledging all of the aforementioned problems with the merchandise I peruse in stores.

And I love online shopping. Getting deliveries makes any typical day feel like my birthday, or Christmas, or just that someone really likes me a lot (this last one only happens when things take awhile to arrive and I've forgotten that I actually ordered it for myself).

Back to the boots - I have been on a rather lengthy quest for non-high heel boots. High heels, while pretty, are for the birds. Really. All they do is hurt my feet and make me think, "Oh this will be fine, I can walk in these all night." WRONG. After being wrong enough times, this was a necessary purchase, requiring a little budgeting.

They arrived to my office on Friday, before I arrived. The box was perched in my chair, literally impeding the completion of any work until it had been taken care of. I opened the first box only to find another one - that's like two presents! Finally, with all of the shipping materials and boot stuffing strewn all around me, there they were - my lovely boots. The boots I had been tracking for the two whole days it took for them to get to me and for which I had pre-planned my outfit around. Dork? Absolutely. Anyway, after opening them, my office smelled like leather bound boots instead of books - a step away (up?) from Ron Burgandy's apartment.

Five days into this lovely relationship, my feet don't hurt and they still smell a little leathery and it's true what they say - these boots are made for walking. (I couldn't resist!)


  1. Cute boots! And have I mentioned I love reading your blog? You make me chuckle. :)

  2. Thanks Anna! Readers and comment'ers make me smile :)
