I finished the Metro Sudoku puzzle on the T this morning, so I thought I'd follow that feeling of productivity with an update! And yes, I'm referring to the "Easy" version. The "Hard" puzzle has yet to be mastered, and well done to any of you who've taken it down. I'm going to make it my first mission for this week.
This postcard, featured on postsecret this week, is a nice follow up to my curiosity about random things from last week. Nice to know there are other like-minded people out there... and I agree with this person as well.
My second mission for this week is to find the most absurdly wind resistant and cheerful umbrella that I can to increase my excitement about all of this rain and to not end up consistently looking like this (rain can also apply crazy make up, believe it or not) or this and wanting to do this. Perhaps Grandma has the right idea...
You will also enjoy this, perhaps the most out of anything here today. That is your reward for getting to the end of the post and surviving the failed rapture. Yay!
Have a magnificent Monday, all!
I love those rain bonnets. I was going to buy one for Shakespeare in the Park when it was raining. If rain bonnets, razor scooters and fanny packs ever become cool, I will be the happiest person on earth.